The Final Chapter of 5 Months @ Kangaku - Reisverslag uit Leusden, Nederland van Laurens Hartog - The Final Chapter of 5 Months @ Kangaku - Reisverslag uit Leusden, Nederland van Laurens Hartog -

The Final Chapter of 5 Months @ Kangaku

Door: Laurens

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Laurens

15 April 2017 | Nederland, Leusden

"So I'll be writing you guys again in a few days ^^"... That's what I told you a few months ago. Oops.

Well, after a delicious sushi dinner and one heck of a goodbye with my Japanese friend, I did return to the Netherlands. I had 5 days to get used to the Netherlands again before school started, and I've been rather busy ever since. Essays, projects, looking for an internship and organising an event for our drama club... Yeah I don't have time to be bored!

That also left little time to finally write this last story though. But perhaps that isn't too bad, because it does mean that I can now tell you how my academic endeavours paid off: I passed for every single one of my subjects! :D I even passed my kanji class, by some miracle! So naturally I am very proud of my achievements at the University :)

When I look back at my 5 Months @ Kangaku now, I can honestly say that they were the best 5 months of my life up to this point. And although there is no way I could ever express enough gratitude for this experience, there are a few people I would like to give special thanks:

- The Hague University of Applied Sciences, for offering me this opportunity.
- My country tutor, who has displayed the patience of an angel when it came to the essay I had to write and hand in for my exchange.
- My friends and family all around the world, who supported me during my exchange.
- Of course, all of the amazing people I met in Japan, who made this experience unforgettable!
- And finally, and most of all, my parents. Because without their support, I would not have been able to go to Japan in the first place! Thank you so very much!

Well, I guess that's that then. My journey over, my journal finished. Many thanks to all of you who have faithfully read my posts whenever I posted them.

I am grateful :)

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01 September 2016 - 01 Februari 2017

5 Months @ Kangaku

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